Thursday, May 31, 2007

Strained Metaphors

A trip to Costco yesterday ended up with me leaving with a box full of mangoes. What can I say? Some guys dig electronics. Me? I'm an impulse-buyer when it comes to fruit.

As I was savoring one of those succulent treats this morning, jotting over the sports section, it occurred to me that mangoes are the Phoenix Suns of fruit. They are exotic and interesting. I would never get tired of them. And, while they are soft and squishy on the outside, they have a hard core at the center which could, in a pinch, be used in a barfight.

The San Antonio Spurs, on the other hand, are like strawberries. They're a bit omnipresent, and after you've had them for a while you get a little bored of them. But after a few weeks, you take another look at them, and realize again 'damn, those things are pretty freaking good!' Plus, if you give me Eva Longoria and a basket of strawberries...well, let's just say anything I'm thinking right now is immensely inappropriate for this mostly family-friendly blog.

Which means that the Detroit Pistons are like bananas. They're pretty good, and always in the mix. They're a bit dull, but a good standby when you just need something to eat. But they're starting to get a bit old, which means that they're getting those little brown spots all over them, and a few flies buzzing around, and by tomorrow they're simply not going to taste nearly as good as they used to.

And clearly (this one's for Shane) this leaves the Denver Nuggets as papaya. You hear everyone talking about it, and how good it's supposed to be on paper. It's full of good things (Allen Iverson, papayene, etc.) But then you actually have one, and it tastes like crap, plus it makes you have to poo. But somehow, by the beginning of next season, you're thinking 'yeah, a papaya sounds like a good idea...'

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