Monday, May 14, 2007

Matt Finds His Position A Bit Tenuous

I've said before, and I'll say again, that Matt Yglesias is my favorite blogger. However, he had a post last week defending Bud specifically, and cheap beer generally. Ezra Klein, on the other hand, posted in defense of good beer, particularly the ultraexpensive, $9, 22 oz. bottles that you can only find in the finest liquor establishments. Needless to say, this raised him significantly in my estimation, especially because he shows a well-developed palate for a punk 23-year-old.

Well, between that, and the series of posts he had today (such as this, this, and this), Ezra is moving up my blogger admiration rolls quickly. Watch your ass, Matt!

In particular, his first post, on high schools, is gold. Honestly, I think that our education system could barely be put together any more incoherently, so any change represents a de facto improvement. Maybe I'll post on this someday. But, specifically, the idea of giving young kids the option of receiving more specific job training, so that they are doing something that they are interested in, and also so that they are able to enter the job force with some actual, you know, job skills, seems pretty intuitively obvious to me. Then again, I am the world's last holdout against the concept of compulsory comprehensive liberal arts education, so what do I know?

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