Thursday, May 24, 2007

The New York Times Hates Fat People

Okay, shorter Maureen Dowd from yesterday:

Al Gore is Fat.

Seriously? This is worth publishing in The Gray Lady, The Paper of Record? Look, I know that we can't talk all serious all the time. But do we have to take up valuable real estate in the Op-Ed section with trash like this which is not only pointless, but actually reduces our ability to have a legitimate conversation?

Plus, she missed all the obvious jokes, like the fact that he is now drought- and famine-resistant, a valuable resource in the post-global warming apolocalyptic world.

1 comment:

LJ said...

Disclaimer: I'm neither here nor there on Maureed Down in general. I know who she is and what her generic politics are, but I don't read her.

However, if I were Al Gore I'd be tempted to respond with something like (and pardon me while I paraphrase Churchill...):

Yes, ma'am, I'm fat. But you're a bitch, and I can lose 20 pounds next month if properly motivated. (Oh, and by the way: you're working for an industry (newspapers and print media in general) that's headed the way of the Dodo Bird, and I'm busting my ass trying to make the world a slightly cooler place.)

-- PS: LJ is really proud of the "cooler" pun, so don't knock it.