Monday, May 7, 2007

In which our hero drives, and waits, and talks, and drives some more...

This morning was my final (good lord willing) visit to the lovely and talented Dr. McCarty, apostle of the holy arthroscope. After 20 minutes of driving, and 5 minutes of waiting, he came in and inspected my surgically repaired knee. He declared that I have been healed (can I get an amen!) and gave me the all-clear to do anything I damn well please on the knee, so long as I wasn't too ridiculously stupid about it. Even better, he wasn't offended when I said that I hoped never to see him again...

I'm sure Ezra would find something criminally wrong with the fact that I spent nearly an hour of driving and waiting for 2 minutes of my doctor's time, but to be fair it was my own decision to see an orthopod in Boulder. What can I say? This is like if I was planning my wedding, and wanted a chocolate fountain, and Switzerland was a 20-minute drive down the road. What would you do?

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