Friday, May 25, 2007

Hermione Is Really Voldemort's Daughter

An interesting, although finally unconvincing, theory about the 7th Harry Potter book.

I don't yet have any good theories about who the mole at Hogwarts and in the Order of the Phoenix is going to end up having been, but it's quite clear to me that Snape is going to end up being a triple-agent; in other words, he is going to have been doing Dumbledore's bidding the entire time. It's really the only way that the entire Dumbledore death scene in #6 makes any sense at all; why else would he allow Malfoy to disarm him?

Most of the way through the books, one of the big lessons has been 'do not trust appearances.' Moody (in #4), Barty Crouch, Krum, Snape, the wussy prof from #1, Sirius Black, and others have ended up being not at all what they seemed at some point during the storyline. Snape is clearly the most obvious example of this, as he was originally made out to be eeevil, later reshaped to just be sort of a jerk, then almost helpful as he was teaching Harry to defend his dreams, then eeevil once again.

To me, he is a jerk. A 'good guy' but not a good guy, if that makes any sense. It will end up being that he had to appear to have killed Dumbledore in order to get fully back into Voldemort's good graces. Then, when the time comes, he will step aside at the key moment to allow Harry to get his final shot at Voldemort. Incidentally, Malfoy will also end up playing an important role for the good. Part of Dumbledore's allowing himself to get stunned was to plant the seed in Draco's head that he's really not a Death Eater. And whether it's by conciously helping Harry, or simply by losing his cool and making some sort of key mistake in his hatred for Harry, Malfoy will play a key part.

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