Friday, May 11, 2007

Matt Yglesias Rips Me Off

Typically brilliant stuff from my favorite blogger, and I'm don't just say that because he's stealing my idea and using the Northern Ireland peace accords as a springboard into talking about a problematic Middle East issue. He also happens to be both contrarian and right.

If those readers who happen to be my dad clicked through the link, steam is coming out of their ears by now, so I might as well continue digging. The only two ways to permanently settle the Israel/Palestine problem is to either discredit the extremists such that they lose public support and disappear, or bring them to the bargaining table and convince them that the only way they will get anything they want is to take part in the negotiations.

Israel has to remain strong and resolute and inflexible on her core values. But right now, her policy mostly seems to be to do as much as possible to undermine any real chance of bringing Hamas to the bargaining table (by cutting off funding to the government, insisting that they renounce their core belief about Israel's right to exist before bargaining can begin, etc.), while simultaneously doing as much as possible to hold up Hamas' public support among the Palestinians, by razing buildings which house some terrorists in addition to a bunch of other people, making it difficult for humanitarian aid to reach refugees in Gaza, etc.

Don't get me wrong; Israel is the good guys in this fight, at least relatively speaking. But they don't win until they aren't hated anymore, and that doesn't happen so long as they're effectively keeping Hamas strong and in power through their own short-term thinking.

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