Friday, June 1, 2007

You Know What They Say About A Guy With A Big Cornea

Commenter pepperedjane suggests LASIK as a potential salve for my upset soul regarding the general shittiness of my eyesight. Unfortunately, while I have nearly average-thickness corneas, to fix eyes of my prescription (about -8.5 diopters in each eye, for those keeping count) I need somewhat thicker-than-average.

I might look into getting the Phakic intraocular lenses at some point in the future, after they've been around for a few years. But, for the moment, it's glasses and contacts (although not at the same time) for me!

1 comment:

pepperedjane said...

It sounds like you've looked into this already. My contact prescription is at least -9 in each eye (worse than yours, yeah!), plus an astigmatism in one eye, and the doctor said that surgery was possible to correct it. So ... at worst (barring terrible eye injuries that leave you blind) you end up with vision that needs slight additional correction, but might allow you to do many tasks without prescriptive lenses. I'm just saying.