Friday, June 29, 2007

Aqua Teen Hunger Badassedness

Okay, I tried to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Really, I did. I got a DVD from Netflix and everything. I just couldn't do it. It stinks. It's not funny. Apparently, I did not do enough drugs in high school. Why, Mother, oh why couldn't I have just dropped a *little* bit of acid? Would that have been so awful? Then, I am sure, I would appreciate all the things that Cartoon Network keeps telling me I should like, but I just continue not liking.

However, that said, I saw the intro to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie and, god damn, that's some pretty funny shit. Warning, those Faithful Readers who happen to be my parents probably ought to not bother clicking over the link. It will just confuse you and make you sad.

But everyone else, click away!

(Hat tip: Ezra)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh my god that is the most awesome thing I have ever seen.