Ezra, discussing a so-called 'amateur porn revolution', comes up with a nice reductio ad absurdum debunking of the thesis that 'porn makes men uninterested in real, normal women.'
Making the rare look achievable may do more to change behavior than the outlandish. All that said, though, I highly doubt porn is a serious culprit here. If it's unrealizable beauty standards in romance, it's romantic comedies you want to yell at.This is a fine point, although not quite the one that I think he's making. Maybe it's just because Ezra is much smarter than me, which is undoubtedly true, but for my own sake I have to say it.
If porn really did raise men's standards so high that they were unable to become interested in normal, non-porn star women, then rom-coms starring George Clooney would do exactly the same things for women's expectations of men. I can smile demurely, and try to deepen my voice, and even act a little roguish. But at the end of the day, it's just my ugly mug and that damn cowboy hat, and I just don't compare.
But, and here's the point, nobody is arguing this. Nobody with an IQ higher than, say, Shaq's shoe size is writing op-eds for the New York Times arguing that Hollywood needs to be more responsible and realistic with its depictions of courtships in rom-coms. Because it's a silly thing to say. Likewise, while men are more easily visually stimulated than women, the idea of watching attractive women having sex doesn't quite stack up to, you know, actually having sex. Or so I've been told (don't worry Mom, still waitin'!)
It's fair that feminists don't like porn. I definitely think I understand why. But be honest about your motivations, rather than cooking up wild, fairly unbelievable theories.
1 comment:
"the idea of watching attractive women having sex doesn't quite stack up to, you know, actually having sex. Or so I've been told (don't worry Mom, still waitin'!)"
Still waiting on what, watching attractive women have sex, or are you saying that the hundreds of women you have slept with are not attractive?
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