Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Should We Talk About The Weather Now? / Should We Talk About The Government?

It's worth noticing how absolutely ridiculous the weather has been the last few days here in the Front Range area of Colorado.

On Saturday, we had a rather unseasonal fall day of Chinook winds. These are the winds that I believe usually appear in late spring/early summer here. Normally, in Colorado, wind is equated with colder weather. The Chinooks are the one exception, and Saturday was a stunning example. Strong winds, 30+ mph, but a high of 80 during the day.

Then, that night, a big cold front blew through, and Sunday dawned about 30 degrees, with wet, driving snow falling. High that day in the mid-to-upper 40's, although by the afternoon the sun had come out and dried the streets pretty well.

And now, we're talking temps in the 70's tomorrow, possibly lasting as long as Saturday, when Denver will see its first-ever World Series game played in town.

I know, after 8 years, that really nothing ought to surprise me about the weather here anymore. And yet, somehow, it just keeps happening...

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