Saturday, February 2, 2008

So Much To Say, So Much To Say

Wow, it's ridiculous how many thoughts gather up in my eensy little head when I don't have time to get them out.

It's funny how, now that I've gotten fairly used to having this blog, my first thought on reading or seeing something really interesting is no longer "I can't wait to tell X about this," where X is the friend or family member who is most likely to be knowledgeable or interested in the subject at hand. Instead, it's "I can't wait to blog about this!"

I see my traffic numbers, or lack thereof. I know that it's literally dozen of friends of mine who read this (not dozens, mind you, just dozen.) But, still. It's nice, somehow, to have a permanent record of whatever thoughts occur to me, rather than having them disappear into the ether when the conversation of the moment is over.

Anyhow - I'm not entirely sure what my point is. It's a shame I've been working so damn much, and spending another significant chunk of my free time working for the Obama campaign. I got a list of registered Dems in my neighborhood from the campaign, and I've been knocking on doors and talking to people, trying to raise a team of at least 5 to go caucus with me. I've hit that number already, but I'm going to put in another hour or two tomorrow before the Big Game. It's been good to do that, much less fun working all the extra hours, and, well, I haven't had as much time as I would have liked to spend writing here.

I hope to keep up a little better in the near future, but I know better than to make promises about it.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I guess I'm just not Web 2.0-savvy.... I think I preferred the old way (wanting to talk to a specific person) to the new way (blogging on it).