Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Inner Nerd's Wet Dream

Is anyone else as unnaturally excited by the new movie Alien vs. Predator: Requiem as I am?

There's absolutely no excuse for it. I saw the first AvP movie. It was awful. Ridiculous. The only upside was that they got the guy who played Bishop in Alien and Aliens to reprise his role, only his actual human character. Well, that, and the fact that, finally we got to see Aliens fight Predators on the big screen, something us geeks have been anxiously awaiting ever since Dark Horse Comics' first Alien vs. Predator series, back in the day.

Nonetheless, my inner nerd (who is, believe it or not, much nerdier than my outer nerd) is practically going into convulsions about this movie. I'm probably going to go see a Christmas matinee of it.

What's wrong with me?

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