Friday, January 18, 2008

Riding The Wave

Commenter Jenny asks "So DID you sign up with Obama's campaign?"

I'm pleased to say that the answer is yes! I am an official Precinct Captain for the Obama campaign for the February 5th Colorado Democratic Caucus. So far, this has consisted of me reading a bunch of material and looking over a list of every registered Dem in my neighborhood. My next job is to start talking to the people on the list that I know (which turns out to be about 8 or so people, mostly immediate neighbors plus a few random types) and try to convince them to caucus with me for Obama.

I'm actually pretty excited to get started. One of those random things that I've been thinking about lately is how exactly it is that I ought to get started putting into practice some of these crazy ideas I have about how to live a better life.

I think there are some moves already in progress that will help me head in that direction, which I'm sure I'll be explaining in more detail in this space in the future. But something that seems to me would be a good start would be to start living a little less for myself and a little more for things a bit bigger than me. I don't know for sure, but it seems like a political campaign I really believe in is a good start.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Wow. Good on ya. I'll be curious to hear how your recruiting goes.