Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Two Things I Know

At about 4:30 yesterday afternoon, my back suddenly realized 'Holy Shit! I got hit by a car!' and seized up pretty good. So I've been holed up since then on my couch, alternating heat and ice, and digging into my stash of vicodin leftover from my ACL surgery in November.

Unfortunately, it hasn't been too effective, so I'm back to the clinic in a few minutes for a doc's appointment.

So, one thing I know is that backs suck. Another is that, in the grand scheme of things, this still isn't a very big deal. Faithful Reader M.S. (many of you know her, feel free to contact me privately if you feel that you Need To Know Details) revealed yesterday that, over the weekend, she was diagnosed with a pituitary macroadenoma, a benign growth that gave her some headaches over the weekend.

After doing some reading it sounds like the prognosis, while serious, isn't anything to freak out about. Nonetheless, I would appreciate it if everyone would send some good thoughts M.S.' way. If you have any spare good thoughts, I'm sure my back would appreciate the help.

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