Thursday, September 6, 2007

Now With Pictures!

In lieu of an actual entry, some pretty pictures for you to look at:

1) How to be a professional libertarian. It's not really true, but it is, kinda, and it is definitely funny.

2) Realisticats. As opposed to lolcats (those stupid pictures of kitties with inane ungrammatical text written across them), realisticats give you a hint of what actual life with cats is like. I even made my own:
3) A map of the wall being built by Israel in the West Bank, along with the position of the 1949 Armistice green line and the location of Palestinian and Jewish settlements. As Ezra wrote earlier this week, the story that the Israeli Supreme Court ordered the military to tear down a portion of the wall which separated some Palestinians from their farmland represented both the best and the worst of Israel at once. The worst, because they built the wall like that in an unmitigated land grab. The best, because they are certainly the only country in the Middle East with a court independent enough to order the government around like that.

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