Friday, September 7, 2007

Let's Hear It For The Worms

Nice little op-ed this morning about worm composting this morning in the Times. Most people probably know that I have a worm bin in my basement. Apart from the times that the worms get too active and start putting off worm tea (a runoff which is basically the equivalent of liquid gold to houseplants) faster than I can use it, given my meager supply of houseplants, it's a pretty worry-free operation. I get to feel like I'm wasting a little less; especially since I eat so many fruits and vegetables, it's nice to see all those rinds and peels and scraps get used somehow. Plus I get nice compost at the end of it, which will help my garden in years in which my sprinkler system doesn't reset itself while I'm on a week's vacation.

I feel like worm bins are one of those things that lots more people could have, especially suburbanites with their wide-open lawns, that have no particular downside. They don't smell bad, can be built to look very official, and are a way of making a small, but tangible, environmental upside. More worms, better soil, less waste.

Have you hugged your worm today?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Ah, the joys of living in a subdivision without covenants.... it's hard to have a worm bin in a neighborhood where we get fined by the homeowners' association if our trash bins stay in front of our house for more than the day that they're emptied.